Good day.

Oct 13, 2006 02:14

EEE!! I got Semagic working again!! Joy of joys!

Hooray and thank you, LJ FAQ.

Annnyyyway, 'twas a splendid day. My Freshman seminar teacher never showed up so after 20 minutes of sitting there my class decided to write up something saying 'we were here and waited for this long' and everyone that was there signed it. So hooray. Anthro was fine, normal, etc.

Then I had my interview for Phi Alpha Delta--the interview which would DECIDE IT ALL--whether I was accepted as a pledge or not. WHen I got in I had these wonderful EXCITED butterflies in my stomach because they announced the format of the interview and it was just like gov group interviews!!! After that I was like, okay I've done this exact thing before and gotten in. I can do this. And man, that extra shot of confidence was some good crack cause I was way less nervous after that.

They told us they'd call us at midnight about whether we made it or I was like omgshouldIsleepshouldIobsessivelylook? I managed to ignore it until like, literally 12:00 when I checked and at 12:03, no call...I was like, oh...guess not :\ Oh well its just a frat. Even if it is a bomb prelaw frat that will get me shitloads of connections and support.

Then I checked again at 12:10 and LO AND BEHOLD OMG SOMEONE HAD LEFT ME A VOICEMAIL!

So I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out how to listen to my voicemail [thanks Sarah and Robert for helping me :P]

And then the first thing I hear is "Hi Tracey, this is Tessie from Phi Alpha Delta. Congratulations--" And then I did my squee dance of happiness before I listened to the rest of the message. WHOO I am officially a PAD pledge (: EXCITING x 100000000!!!!!! Yey.

yay, fun, pad, classes, college, busy, goals

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