
Mar 18, 2008 15:00

ACK!  Help!!

I heard a horrible crash awhile ago, coming from my workroom (garage)... I ran out to see what had happened, and saw, first, what looked like a rubber ring, going 'round and 'round on the floor, then spotted Pyewacket, a few feet away...

... with a giant LIZARD held in her mouth in a deathgrip!  That was no rubber ring!  That was the lizard's tail, still alive and trying, frantically, to make a quick getaway!  ACK!  The lizard is HUGE, possibly an alligator or something.  Help!

I slammed the door shut, and am now waiting for

bardelder (my hero)  to come home and rescue me from running, leaping lizard guts.  (It has been my cat experience that these things are never *completely* dead, and my bastard cats usually wait until I am close by to let loose their prey.)

Hells bells.  My ice is in the *other* refrigerator (in the death room).  I need a drink.  Hmmm.  Scotch doesn't need ice...


Oh, no!  I hope the *crash* wasn't one of my 
hroar  treasures.

random blather, pets

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