I admit it. When I started this lj thing, I was certain it would be a waste of time. But you guys touch me in some way, every day, and I thank you for taking time out of your day to connect with the rest of us in some way.
I miss
aliskye . I know she works really hard and deserved the vacation, but I miss her. I miss her Muppet cuteness. She inspires me to organize my own life and offers words of encouragement for each small step we each make toward our goals. Has anyone heard from her (since the zombie attack)? I worry about the bears.
I think I love
usqueba. I don't know why, but she makes me smile every day (and sometimes more than once a day!). She is very quirky and odd and very good at entertaining herself in the most random way.
I don't comment very often on my friends' posts because, usually, I have no idea what on earth you are talking about. :-) But, I do read them all, and I feel I know you all just a little better. It's nice to have the company.
I really, really miss
hroar. I want him to get better and come back and tell us about the peacocks and his adventures with HOT
mistresshuette. And I want to be called "dear". No one else has ever called me that! It's like talking to the alter ego of Ward Cleaver. :-)