Aug 21, 2008 17:36
Nevermind how this summer has been strange and awful and mostly nothing I expected. Because since I got my wisdom teeth removed my body has gone to hell and it is been only recently since I've been seeing a neurologist that I'm starting find out what is going on. At least he has been able to give me trigger point injections in my neck, which so far has done more for me in terms of pain relief than physical therapy. I don't want to talk about it much/ anymore/ ever again. Just say that I want to put whatever this strange and constant pain has been behind me (however it happened), and hope my body wants that too and can rejuvenate over time. With the right treatment. Somehow. That the pain won't be constant or forever. My health has overshadowed everything else this summer and hopefully it won't be that way anymore.
Tomorrow I fly to Chicago and won't be back in Phoenix till December.
Hopefully I will write here often.
And take many pictures.
Hopefully everything will change for the better.
At least everything will change.
I want to start over completely.
and be happy there.
Sarah D had a really lovely, classy dinner going away party for me! Carly organized the event too. They both put so much effort and time and money into it. Since I was too ill 90% of this summer to see friends or anyone it was a good way to end the summer feeling loved. I love Sarah D and Carly so so much and am not sure how life will be without them. Will be very odd.
As miserable as this summer it has ended so well. It has felt like years, like it would never end and even though I hardly wrote a thing, too much has happened to really explain all of it and how I've changed. And nothing can describe how bad it got, really.
The next time I write I will be living in Chicago!
And going to art school!
After so much planning it's happening.
I'm too excited and in denial after being pre-occupied so long with my body to really understand this. I will really miss the desert and sunshine and my mom.