Apr 27, 2009 15:53
So, I'm taking a break and felt like writing.
The way I see it is, you're the only person that has control over your life. Everyone has a bad day, everyone goes through things but it's up to you to decide if you're going to be a weak pathetic person that just sits around crying, whining, and saying how you never get to have what you want or actually go after what you want out of life. I just don't get it. Maybe at 15 it was acceptable when you're the typical depressed teenager where you think life sucks, but to drag it out until you're friggen 30 years old? At what point do you say to yourself, it's time to take control of my own life?
I guess there are just those people that can handle things, have motivation and drive and those that are weak and just feel sorry for themselves, whine and just try to get attention from people. I just think at that age it's a bit embarassing. I guess some people just never grow up.
It might sound harsh but come on! I just don't get what the point of living is if you're always whining and bitching about how hard your life is or how alone you are. No one wants to be with someone that whines so much and talks about how crappy their life is all the time, that is why you are alone! Frig.
I just don't get it.
Like I said, everyone goes through things that are hard and things don't always go how you want them to go, but snap out of it, pick yourself up and go after things that will make you happy. Be positive and not so draining. Just snap out of it and realize that whining is not going to get you anywhere, getting off your ass and going after what you want your life to be will get you somewhere, even if it takes a while, it will be worth it in the end.
I just don't get it. I've just heard people whine lately and I felt like writing. I just don't get how feeling sorry for yourself, whining and saying how much life sucks is productive.
Maybe I just don't get it.