Apr 16, 2009 05:34
Ugh, I hate my lack of money almost as much as I hate my mother's lack of money due to covering childcare costs for my brother that my dad isn't paying due to his invented lack of money. YEAH.
Anyway, today was alright except for this bad dream I had partially triggered by Stephanie Meyer. I hate am not particularly a Twilight fan, but for some reason I was dating Jacob in the dream and he drove me to my 21st birthday party, which a surprise party featuring every important person in my life suddenly idealized and happy.
Mom: Honey, we moved up here and here's our new puppy!
New Doberman puppy : *barks adorably*
Younger brother: Here's an autographed album I got you! Will you be the lead singer of my new Viking metal band? You're the best big sis ever! Hail your shield maiden awesomeness! *hugs*
Me: Sweet!
Stepmother and step-sister: Here's a gigantic pile of Volks doll and collector Barbies!
Leslie Ann (my step sis): Let's play dolls and then can we read together?
Me: Okay! *ecstatic*
MY FATHER: I'm sorry for abandoning you emotionally and financially, and I realize that a moderate political platform is how I truly see our nation being governed, and I'm for equal rights!
Me: ?????!!OMG
Dad: Here's a horsey!
Horse: *whinnies*
... and then I woke up.
Oh well, my life sucks and will never be that awesome, and if it was, it probably wouldn't last, what with my boyfriend kinda being all werewolfy and what not...
Stupid dreams. Damn it.