Jan 06, 2010 18:13
Picked up Lotus in Oakland today. It was about 40 minutes driving home -- not the cat's favorite thing! She yowled pitifully the whole way. When we got her home she was TERRIFIED and after exploring the living room very cautiously in that kitty Groucho Marx walk that they do when they're nervous, she found a hidey-hole underneath the futon and refuses to come out. I'm trying to ignore her for now and hope she just kinda crawls out when we're not looking. I was hoping she would come out when we started heating up the beef stew for dinner but no dice. Poor kitty.
Squee, kitty! I hope she figures out where the water, food, and litterbox are though...
Edit: Things seem to be literally moving in the right direction with kitty. I peeked under the futon and called to her, and she turned around and came towards me and kinda sniffed around a little. Didn't come out but at least came dangerously close to.
New edit: She came out! And is being friendly/active/affectionate/naughty.