1. You hung out with?: Vickins
2. Rode in a car with?: Motherlove
3. Went to the movies with?: Dale
4. Went to the mall with?: Karen
5. You talked on the phone to?: "The boyfriend of sorts"
6. Made you laugh?: My self
W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose
2. Be serious or be funny?: I'm always too serious
3. Drink whole or skim milk?: Skim milk, soy makes me feel funny, which is probably why I'm also so serious all the time
4. Die in a fire or get shot?: Die in a fire, only if I'm the one who started it, and it's in a spectacular place that will make history
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: I enjoy the parents who give me shelter + cigarettes
A N S W E R . T R U T H F U L L Y.
1. Do you like anyone?: Yes very much
2. Sun or moon?: The moon is you
3. Winter or Autumn?: Autumnal bliss baby
4. left or right?: Droit
5. 10 acquaintances or two best friends?: Two best friends
6. Sunny or rainy?: Sunny because I have seasonal afffuckedup disorder
A B O U T . Y O U.
1. What time is it?: 11:08 in the p.m.
2. First Name?: Adebe
3. Where do you wanna live?: My heart lives in Florence, my spirit in Paris, my mind in N.Y.
4. How many kids do you want?: 2
5. Do you want to get married?: Maybe yes, maybe no
6. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: I'm the only Italian you know who hates spaghetti
7. Have you ever eaten spam?: I work in an organic food emporium, bitch
8. Favorite ice cream?: Vanilla, though I'm anything but (if better writers of pick-up lines are reading, please apply)
9. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: Lucky Charms because I like being lucky the next morning, too
10. Do you cook?: No, I prefer being a voyeur in the kitchen
11. Current mood?: Is reading a mood?
I N . T H E . L A S T . 48 H O U R S . H A V E . Y O U.
1. Kissed someone?: Yes
2. Sang?: Yes
3. Been hugged?: Yes
4. Felt stupid?: Yes, have been watching too much "Flavour of Love", please save me
5. Missed someone?: Yes
6. Danced Crazy?: Yes
8. Gotten your hair cut?: Just a trim
9. Cried?: No
10. Lied?: Nnnnyes
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?: Yes
2. Do you have a Dog?: No
3. When's the last time you've been sledding?: When I was about ten, had the awesomest hill at my old apartment
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?: I like the act of sleeping by myself, but if it might meet "sleeping with"....
5. Do you believe in ghosts?: They're all around us
6. Do you consider yourself creative?: On and off
7. Who did you copy and paste from? A ghost
In 2006...
[ ] stayed single
[x] got kissed
[x] kissed someone new
[x] made out in a car
[x] kissed in the snow
[x] kissed in the rain
[ ] fell in love with a fool
[x] had a stalker
[ ] lost a friend
[ ] got married
[ ] had a divorce
[ ] met someone that I will never forget
[ ] did something I regret
[ ] lost the person you liked.
[ ] lost faith in love
[ ] kissed under mistletoe
[ ] got a promotion
[x] got a pay raise
[x] changed jobs
[ ] lost my job
[x] quit my job
[ ] dated a co-worker
[ ] dated my boss
[ ] dated my boss's son/ daughter/brother/sister
[ ] got fired from my job
[x] got straight A's
[x] met a teacher who I became friends with
[x] met a teacher who I really hate
[ ] found the subject I love
[ ] failed a class
[x] cut class
[ ] skipped school
[x] got in a fight with a classmate
[x] did something I was proud of
[ ] discovered a new talent
[ ] proved myself an idiot
[ ] embarrassed myself in front of the class
[x] fell in love with a teacher
[x] was involved in something that I will never forget
[x] painted a picture
[x] wrote a poem
[ ] ran a mile
[x] listened to music I couldn't stand
[ ] double dipped
[ ] skinny dipped
[ ] went to a sleepover
[ ] threw a surprise party
[ ] laughed till I cried
[ ] laughed till I peed my pants
[ ] visited a foreign country
[ ] visited a foreign state
[ ] cooked a disastrous meal
[ ] lost something important to me
[x] got a gift I love
[x] realized something new about myself
[x] dyed my hair
[ ] came close to losing my life
[ ] someone close to me died
[x] went to a wild party
[x] drank alcohol
[ ] drank alcohol underage
[ ] got arrested
[x] read a great book
[x] saw a great movie
[ ] saw a movie so scary that it made me cry
[ ] saw a favourite band live
[ ] did something that I want to tell everyone
[x] experienced something new
[x] made new friends
[ ] found out who your real friends are
[x] lied to your parents
[ ] snuck out
[ ] kissed in a pool
[ ] kissed under the stars
[ ] smoked pot
[x] went to a party
[x] had the time of your life
[x] danced
[ ] fell out of love
[x] had a crush on someone
[ ]swam in a pool
[ ] made a snowman
[ ] went sledding
[ ] slept in past 2pm
[x] held someones hand that you care about
[ ] got wasted in a public place
[x] gone on vacation
[x] gone on vacation with a friend
[x] driven a car
[ ] played strip poker
[ ] dance in the rain
[ ] got in a car accident
[ ] got in a fist fight
[x] laughed until you couldn't breathe
[x] missed someone
[ ] got hit by car
[ ] sent someone to the hospital
[ ] got a new pet
[!?x] had an amazing year