yea i've read anarchy, state, and utopia by nozick and some stuff by larry elders (the now popular defunct libertarian). i don't, however, understand how being a libertarian makes one not socially and politically active. that's a personal choice. i mean there's nothing wrong with it but don't attribute it to a radical mindset. and wether one is radicaly politically or not there is still stuff that needs to be done that is so middle of the road. racial profiling, for example is something that is really a big problem right now in TN. We are working on a few cases. Also, the public defenders and DA office are doing some major studies on racial profiling. There is a lot of activism that needs to be done around: you could help set up white privilege trainings in your school or even write an article about it for TNIMC to call attention to it. hell, environmental activism is libertarian friendly. so is women's rights and helping at women's shelters or sex ed. trainings. i just wish people cared more about things. i wish people would help fix things. i wish people would share their education and time.
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