Jun 10, 2007 10:02
So I think I last updated on the long weekend...so since then.
-Finished the project in Bubugo!
-Went whitewater rafting-fun, but just not extreme enough. Now want to go skiing. Hopefully this Xmas!
-Have decided to do something interesting rather than a normal job.
-Have got bored in backpackers.
-Have been bitten by so many creatures it doesn't bear thinking about.
-Want to go home.
-Looking forward to bacon.
-Finished The Waste Lands by Stephen King, now desperate for the next one. Also reread Birdsong, and am reading Gilead. Which won a pulitzer prize. It also sucks the fat one.
-Going to read On Liberty by JS Mill. Will be hard.
-Listened to a lot of very bad african pop music.
-lost the game a lot.
Now wasn't that interesting?