The male Shih tzu puppy, now dubbed Charley has been great for my spirt, he gives me something to look forward to during this stressfull time, The house is getting pretty close to ready to move in. Of corse me and Charley are Caughing from all the dust in there, lol.
The moving time has went from Sunday to This Friday, so I'm really stressing. Still no sign of me having Internet or Tv :( or heat of anykind, or water. I have lights, kinda the last owner took most of the light fixtures with them... Unemployment called my ex boss, and she yelled at them for giving me the run around.
Ever seen Xanadu? It has a neat cartoon part in it by Don Bluth, (Yes that is Olivia newton Jon..) Go to this time 1:26 to skipp the blabber, its the best quality I could find. and the song is addictive...
Don´t walk away- ELO
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while we are doing 80's...
Labyrinth Ball Scene _my fav, the Tango Roxanne sceene from Mulan rouge could have took some notes....
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