Aug 10, 2006 18:21
This is truly ridiculous. It's amazing to see how much the american people will give up their liberties just to make them "feel safe". i swear, the people seriously need to wake up. if they really think that this supposed "thwarted terror plot" was al-qeada and the federal government thwarted it. i have a bridge in brooklyn i'd like to sell you. The globalists all ready put us in a mindset of fear when Bush and company dropped 9/11 on us. now theyre willing to let the fed put these insane restrictions on them before they enter a plane just because they "almost got blown up". the american people are so soaked into the american culture, they don't really care what the government does as long as they can get theyre starbucks and get theyre entertainment from television and the internet. I mean come on, this is so ridiculous. Bush comes out and says "Oh were more safe then we were before but were still not safe" We brag all the time that were the most powerful country with the greatest surviellance and we can shoot down anything that comes in our airspace but we couldnt stop 2 planes from crashing into the world trade center when they went off course for an hour in a half. thats ridiculous. either we are really incompetent or 9/11 was an inside job. if you think that this thwarted terror plot was the federal government protecting us then go ahead and let the government hit us again. all this thwarted plot was more propaganda to keep the people in fear so they can hit us again and take more of our liberties. go read George Orwell's 1984. lol nothing new under the sun is all i got to say