Nov 07, 2007 01:53
As much as I hate saying it already, my faith in staying is already beginning to waver. This is mostly due to doing the first set of ToAU missions and being incredibly bored by it, as well as my conundrum with upgrading my relic axe. There's a lot of work that I would have to do in order to get my axe to stage 5, and the bulk of it seems to be convincing people to trade me tuku shells for 1 byne bills, which i don't see happening.
I think maybe it is time to return to non-online games.
WoW is boring for me, and I don't appreciate it the same way I did when I was hardcore. Just feel like I'm falling behind. FFXI? Already feel left behind, and setting up such lofty goals on my comeback has re-accelerated the burnout I felt the first time around. Assault looks like a lot of fun, but I am not getting groups, and that makes me a sad panda. The excitement I felt when exploring CoP was a little more prevalent than as I explore ToAU. Possibly due to the fact that I'm not into the game as much as I was before. And after playing WoW, it's been hard re-acclimating to the FFXI system of doing things.
I am more excited about getting Guitar Hero than I am playing online right now. I guess this is the start of a new era for me.
If I leave again, this time it will be definitely permanent. I will give all my currency and gil to someone who I think deserves it. This will eliminate any future chance of coming back. :)