Muse Name: Lee Kikwang
Muse Band/Solo/Occupation: B2ST
Muse's Journal:
beastlybeatsMuse's AIM: #ohkwangrising
Name: Lee Gikwang
Nickname: Kiki, Kwang, Kikwang (the K soungs better), Ace is verrry rare
Age/Date of birth: 17/ March 30
Grade: Junior
Family: mom, dad and two younger sisters, he doesn't live with them, he instead lives with his cousin
Themesong: Kiwi- Maroon 5
Group Cliché: Cross Country Team
Individual Cliché: The guy who's friendly and all smiles that might be a little slow when it comes to catching on to things.
Ten True Facts and a secret :
1. If Your Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands: This kid is a little too happy for own good. Sometimes it's a good thing to have that constant "ray of sunshine" in your life. Other times it's irritating and envious. To be that happy all the time isn't normal is it?
2. Run Away As Fast As You Can: The question isn't why he's on the cross country team, but how he got on it. He isn't particularly fast unless he's running to get the last sweet bread in the caf, but he does in fact run on the team. Maybe it helps his abs stay as cut as they are, maybe he runs at track meets.
3. I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt: Early in his highschool career Kikwang realized that abs were something girls liked on a guy. He was beginning to develop some, but he really started working hard on them when he heard that. Now three years later, he has a nice set of abs he works hard to maintain and tries to wear a shirt as little as possible.
4. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty: Despite the things he does, Kikwang tries to maintain a good boy image in front of his folks. He goes to chruch every Sunday with his family, and even though his grandmother calls him a sinner and tries to exorcise him, he's very good to her and goes to confessionals regularly.
5. Raise Your Voice: He's in the Sunday choir, but reluctant to be on the one in school because he thinks it'll clash with his other activities. He is by no means shy though, ask him to sing and he will gladly show off his talent.
6. I'm So Smart Too Bad I Can't Get Anything Figured Out: School, that's easy. It's the things outside of school he finds difficult to understand. He doesn't know when a girl is flirting with him and you kind of have to spell out things for him to understand it.
7.May I take Your Order. Kwang needs money because he has a car he needs to put gas in and he is by no means privliged enough to never work, so he has a part time job as a waiter at a fancy resturaunt most nights. It doesn't pay that much and it is embarrassing when his friend's families come in, but at least he doesn't smell like hamburger grease.
8. School Boy Crush: It doesn't happen often, but when Kwang has a crush you can sorta tell. He gets a little flustered and his confidence goes out the window. He also becomes terribly clumsy. He usually tends to go for older women, sometimes old enough to be his mother, so crushing on a teacher is not rare for him.
9. Touch Me, Just Like That: Kikwang may cross the boundaries of friendship sometimes. He loves skinship and even a kiss on the lips as a greeting can be expected. He does however try to hold back realizing not everyone is as comfortable as he is with skinship.
10. I'm Busy: One thing you'll occasionally notice about Kikwang is that he doesn't have a whole lot of time. He's constantly telling his friends he can't hang out. He texts a lot during conversations too and claims that it's his work or bussiness.
11. Sponsers: So they're not really sponsers but his parents pay his half of the rent for a two bedroom apartment for Kwang. He's not emancipated, but he doesn't want to live with his parents. After a lot of talks and convincing though, this year his parents decided to let him live with his cousin. They're probably hoping he'll come crawling back to them.
Secret: The big reason why Kwang is always so busy is because of his second job, which basically is him dating and entertaining women for money. He's kind of something like an escort except much less sex. Most of his clients are older women, few are around his age. And most of these women have high profile jobs. It's not that big of a secret to him, butnno one has seen him on these dates or asked about it.
Writing sample:
Kikwang put on one of his best outfits. Blick shirt, pants and shoes with a white tie, that made him look pretty damn good. The ajumma he was going out with tonight was 39, divorced with a kid. He didn't usually take on clients with kids, especially if the relationship progressed pass just casual dinner dates and a movie.
This woman however was not only very appealing to the eye and paying well, but she was also a first timer. Kwang loved first timers. They were always shy, timid and usually very sweet and cute. It was funny to see them blush when he talked about sex, and how they would go about it if that were to happen. Hearing 'I've never done this before' made him chuckle every time.
He checked himself in the mirror. He was to meet this woman at a resturaunt downtown where she would pay for dinner, not drinks though, seeing he was a minor and she didn't want to get him in trouble, but he didn't mind.
He looked good for a first timer, and he was a little excited. He was really hoping though to turn this woman into one of his regular clients