Knife, Twig, and String

Jan 18, 2012 14:35

Title: Knife, Twig, and String
Featuring: Junhyung, Hyunseung, Yoseob
Pairing: very slight Hyunseung/Yoseob
Word count: 7,162
Genre: Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Rating: Pg-13
Warning(s): scenes of violence and unmoderated sarcasm
Summary: On a magical night like the equinox, no rules govern men and gods.

Link: It was the start of a rocky friendship, if you could call it that. Then again, Junhyung had an unconventional view of the matter.

member: junhyung, member: yoseob, #fanfiction, rating: pg-13, member: hyunseung, pairing: hyunseung/yoseob

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