Their Story Part 2: Fact and a Bonus Story

Jul 17, 2011 03:59

Title: Fact
Author: singoutloud25
Pairing: JunSeung
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Romance
Summary: "Life is never easy, nor is love. But they are both worth fighting for."
Author's Notes: I'm soooo sorry that this is late!!!!!

Part 1

Title:  Beast and the Video
Author: singoutloud25
Pairing: 2JunSeung, ninja!KiWoonSeob
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy, Romance (more like sexual situation)
Summary: "He was jumping me Doo! He didn't want to wait for you."
Author's Notes: This was actually a lot of fun to write.

member: junhyung, #fanfiction, %crossover: kara, rating: pg-13, pairing: hyunseung/junhyung, pairing: ot3

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