In a world gone wrong, who say any of us are right

Jul 06, 2008 22:59

weird emo sounding subject line?
or world truth?

I dont know reality once again slips me ( la realité m'evite encore!)
power posts seem to grow when crows land on them
and the earth underneath me expands exponentially.

The raindrops sing a tune of the truth, from here to the hills.
A parade of life fluid, constantly recycled.
unaffected by erosion, trends, war or brian mulrony's helmet head.
not many things remember how it once was, listen to the rain.

(too much partying last night, maybe it is I who slips from reality. In any case, job interview tomorrow. Sorry BJ and Phil for not helping out today and losing curtis. also in my not helping with anything today. demain jserai en forme pour tout à faire. demandez n'importe quoi de moi, et vouz allez recevoir!)
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