Jul 08, 2005 12:10
So yeah...my internet is down for 30 days and im pretty pissed about it. They said they cant bill my DSL box to my phone anymore so i told the lady to fuck off...i feel kinda bad about it now and i might call her back and apologize....but im not sure....cause they took my internet away and i might not be able to breathe properly....lol.
So if anyone wants to talk to me then they should call me (978)6301465....i work a lot so come visit me at Friendly's in Gardner cause i would love it!
Its Chris Morse's birthday today and i think that everyone should wish him a happy birthday cause he's incredible and i love him!
its been 2 years today that i havent had you by my side and i miss you more than words can even express.....i love you and i wish you were here....its gonna be an emotional day....but just know that i think about you every day and i love you more than words can say! R.I.P Hollie Beth Rivard