OMG, I bougt a
paramotor! It's the cheapest and simplest form of powered flight, and I've been wanting to try it for years. I did a two day paragliding course a few years ago (same type of parachute-like wing, but no motor), and it was fun, but I like the idea of buzzing about at low altitude, like
this (not mad aerobatics as in the link above). In fact, the second video (coastal flying Otago) is shot from the actual set up I have bought. Looks amazing!
I bought the equipment used at a waaaaay cheaper price than what it would cost for a new set up. I will be getting it checked out by the local paragliding / paramotor shop who are the experts, and I'll be getting lessons, obviously!
I feel like it's now or never as I am approaching middle age (not that I feel old) and the sport requires a reasonable degree of strength and fitness. I don't know how it's going to go - hopefully fun, but maybe too terrifying or not worth the effort. If it's the latter options, we will never mention this again...