Rant ahead... copied from my FB

Apr 22, 2010 03:53

I have resisted commenting on this for quite a while, but tonight, I just decided that I had had enough of the negativity and hypocricy from supposed "good people". I hope my true friends will forgive the rant and understand where I am coming from here.

I am forever amazed by people's ability to rationalize things to justify their worldview. I personally did not like GW Bush, and felt that he did a lot to mess up our country. However, I never wished him dead, or thought that he should be assassinated.
However, several of my FB friends have made comments or joined groups that advocate this sort of thing for Barack Obama. And oddly enough, these comments / groups are all from self-described christians. Where is the "love thy brother as thyself", or "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? You may disagree with his politics, but he is still a human being.
But apparently, to these "good, christian people", his politics make him something less than human that they can feel ok "praying that god takes him home". How anyone can call themselves christian while praying for someone to die is totally beyond me. It's disgusting.

If certain people unfriend me over this, oh well. I really do not want to know anymore about them if they lack such a simple human emotion... that of compassion for a fellow human being.


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