okay, well:

Jan 10, 2013 23:35

1) My second attempt at jap chae was relatively successful. I'd feed that to company with one more tweak.

1a) That's another vegan meal in my repertoire, as well.

2) That very late call from my brother was a pocket-dial, not any of the things I was imagining when the landline rang at 11pm.

3) Atlanta is going to work out, and so is Chicago (though a little differently than I thought).

4) My Secret Agent Lover Man made me the most extraordinary chocolate chip cookies. Without exaggeration the best cookies I have ever had. If I 'd had these before we got married I would have written an endless supply of them into the marriage contract, is how good.

5) Yids crack me up. This morning on Facebook I posted:

"Let it be known throughout the land that on this day I, Sason Bear Bergman, a Jew from New York, successfully removed a boat rack from an automobile without injuring myself or damaging any inanimate objects."

and the flow of hilarity poured in. Cheered me up, on and off, all day.

6) Also I got the damn rack off. I didn't even hit anything with anything.

This entry was originally posted at http://sbearbergman.dreamwidth.org/25235.html.
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