Saturday, February 28, 2015

Feb 28, 2015 20:01

This week was an easy week workwise. Not a lot of grading, mostly just lessons on outlines and topic sentences and thesis. We started a new reading on Thursday and it just happened to be Tim Wu on the very day FCC made a net neutrality ruling.(Yay on that) Of course, none of my students knew the term nor bothered to read the news, so we spent some part of the class using their smart phones for good instead of evil. I love teaching something that makes them pay attention to the news.

I got Paper 2 on Thursday too. I have until Folder review on March 9th to finish them and the midterm which they will write next week. Plenty of time, I hope. The first paper I graded do far already failed for very shallow text reading and not really answering the assignment.

I don't understand why people on the internet were freaking out about color of that dress. Did they never hear of differences in perceptions? I saw white and gold and so did Beat but he, being an artist, actually made his brain see black and blue after seeing the real dress picture. Both just depend on eyes, lighting and other variables.

It was weirder for me to realize after teaching Oliver Sacks last year that many people are visual when they close their eyes. Many people like Bear can picture a say pink elephant in color and 3d with their eyes closed and see it like a real elephant. He can even rotate it in his head. I never seen anything. All I see is black. I know the concept instantly but I don't actually see it. I never realized before last year that when someone asks you to close your eyes and see a beach they expect you to see an actual beach. I get the concept and feeling but no visial. Humans are fascinating.

Yesterday was sad because of Leonard Nemoy's death. TNG is my show but I've seen enough of original series and I've seen all the movies. It was very nice to read all the positive, wonderful things about the man. I didn't see any Internet trolls and that was such a reflection of what kind of person he was and what Star Trek means to people.

Speaking of Star Trek, I'm so happy the Mark of Mark Watches got to Star Trek: TNG reviews. He does have to slug through that first season but still that show is magic.

grading papers, teaching

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