Dec 20, 2014 14:19
I'm very sleep deprived at the moment because since right after Thanksgiving Tanya entered a lovely stage called 4 month sleep regression. Basically,she wakes up every hour or two at night, asking for pacifier which is not something she used to do. Occasionally she can manage three hours at a time. So while I do sleep, my sleep is very broken. It should pass soon, according to all the books. She is starting with REM sleep so she is learning how to fall asleep on her own. Meanwhile, I'm just very grateful I don't go back to work until Jan 20th, so I can be a zombie.
But this also basically means that her brain is progressing nicely. She is rolling over all over the place now and can drag herself around on her gym and play mat and she is trying to sit up.
I'm almost done with my Harry Potter reread. I have so many books on my wish list that are coming out next year. I don't watch a lot of TV anymore, so I do want to read more.
It's weird but even a few years ago I had so many shows I was watching on TV.
Now I'm just watching 'Supernatural', 'Grimm' and 'Modern Family' in regular season. In January I will also add 'Glee' and 'Downton Abbey' to the roster, with 'Teen Wolf' in the summer. That's pretry much it. I tried 'Marco Polo' on Netflix but found the first episode boring. I did like the casting at least. Still, it is weird for me not to have TV nights anymore. I watch everything after the fact online or onDemand. Oh, I did watch Season 8 of ' Doctor Who', I liked it much more that Eleven seasons.