A-Z Meme

Sep 16, 2020 14:32

Taken from [Bad username or unknown identity: scream_queen.livejournal.com]

A is for Argument: Who is the last person you argued with and what was it about?
My neighbor, about us being noisy. She thinks it is the fault of our floors, we think it is normal apartment living.

B is for Breakfast: Do you eat breakfast? What do you usually have?
On weekdays, I have a bowl of oatmeal with some walnuts and craisins, a small piece of cheese with a small piece of bread and tea. On weekend I usually make eggs. If I'm visiting my in-laws I opt for a toasted bagel with cheese.

C is for Car: Do you have one? What kind? If not, how do you usually travel?
I don't personally have a car nor do I drive, although technically I have a license. My husband has a Honda HRV. Usually either he drives or I take the subway.

D is for Dinner: What's on the menu tonight?
I believe pea soup with some rye bread- my Mom is over today so she is cooking.

E is for Excellence: Name one thing you think you're really good at
Remembering little details.

F is for Friends: Tell us something you like about the last friend you spoke to
I texted with my friend Marianna yesterday. I have known her from high school and I like her kindness and her common sense approach to life.

G is for Games: What's the last game you played (computer or board game)?
Monopoly Jr with Tanya last night

H is for Home: Where do you consider to be your "hometown"? Is it where you live now?
I feel like I have 2 hometowns - Minsk where I was born and lived for almost 13 years and New York where I moved them. I grew up in both and they both influenced me. I live in New York now.

I is for Internet: What websites do you look at every day?
LJ, DW, Yahoo, dear abby, ask amy, slate, tvline, ny1 news, BBC news.

J is for Job: What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing that now?
I wanted to be a teacher when I was a kid and I did get to do that in my 20s and 30s as I taught writing and history in colleges as an adjunct. But now I'm a civil servant for a city agency working as a research assistant in procurement - something I never even thought about before I got my job 3 years ago. I do like it.

K is for Kitchen: Are you a good cook? What's your go-to dish?
I think I'm a good cook. My go-to dish is probably meatloaf.

L is for Learning: Are you studying or learning anything new right now?
I'm learning French with Duolingo.

M is for Movies: What's the last one you watched and did you like it?
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker- I did like it.

N is for Nightmares: Do you have bad dreams? Any recurring themes?
Not too often. Being unprepared for something is probably most recurrent. I rarely remember my dreams though.

O is for Orders: What's the last thing you bought online?
New ballet shoes for Tanya, a Frozen hairbrush for Olivia and Frozen bandaids.

P is for Pop Culture: Do you follow the world of celebrity and know what the hottest new music, movies and trends are?
Not really. I usually know about new movies. I try to listen to some new music when award shows nominate for best song but I rarely care about new music. I only catch celebrity news if I see something on Yahoo or People. I definitely don't care about trends.

Q is for Quiet: If you're home alone, do you like silence or background noise like music or the TV?

Silence. I don't like to have TV on for noise. I only turn it on to see something specific. Sometimes I would put music on. But it is so rare to be home alone nowadays and I certainly want some quiet then.

R is for Reading: What's your go-to genre?
Sci-fi. I also read fantasy, biography and autobiography, history, historical fiction, classics and non-fiction.

S is for Sweets: What's your favourite dessert or sweet treat?
Something with chocolate probably. Sometimes something with custard or cream. Depends on my mood really.

T is for Travel: Where did you last take a trip?
Miami last year. Too long ago now.

U is for Useless: Name something you're just really bad at
Making lots of friends and getting people's contacts. I am ok with basic social interaction and have lots of friendly acquitances at work for example but I don't know how to get people to be closer friends.

V is for Vision: Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
Glasses. The idea of contact lenses freaks me out.

W is for Weather: What's your perfect day, weather-wise?
Nice and sunny, about 72-75F, but not humid, with blue skies and maybe a nice breeze.

X is for X-Men: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Super speed. I can read fast and travel to lots of places.

Y is for Yesteryear: What period of history is most interesting to you?
European Middle Ages, especially Medieval England. I have a degree in that!

Z is for Zero: What popular activity do you have zero interest in doing?
Going to bars/giant parties and getting drunk.


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