Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jan 26, 2014 21:33

Soup Project 2014: Soup 4 - Potato Leek Soup

I knew I wanted to make a Potato Leek soup so I was looking at various online recipes yesterday. After many searches and dismissals of some due to heavy cream or too much butter, I found a couple that served as a base. I took the basic ingredients and cooking times etc, but basically did things my own way. Two recipes served as a base: this one and this one .

Here is what I came up with.


1 onion - chopped
1 leek - washed thoroughly and chopped (I actually like the dark green parts of leeks)
1 clove of garlic - chopped
3 Tbsp of butter
6-7 potatoes - washed, peeled and cut into smaller portions
5 cups of water
2 chicken bouillon cubes
dash of nutmeg
sour cream to taste


In a pan, melt butter on medium heat and stir in onions, leaks and garlic until tender - about 5-8 minutes. Meanwhile take the peeled and cut up potatoes and put them in a pot with 5 cups of water.

Once onions and leaks are done, add them to to pot, turn on the heat to medium-high and bring the pot to boil.

When the pot starts to boil, add chicken bouillon cubes (I didn't add any salt because these things are super salty). Stir and lower the heat.

Simmer for 20-30 minutes, until potatoes are tender. Add a dash of nutmeg or any preferred spices.

Mix with a blender. Serve. Add a large spoon of sour cream to the served portion.

Overall, I liked the end result. My favorite soup is still the bean soup but this was interesting.

Most of my day was pretty mild. After weird and realistic dreams and conquering my migraine, I mostly read my book today, went grocery shopping with Bear, cooked dinner of soup, drumsticks and oven roasted potatoes. Now I'm reading the textbook for Global History for tomorrow with its definitions of Empire, Imperialism and Colonialism. I'd rather just finish my fiction book already, but alas duty calls.

soup project 2014

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