AFA = American F#@%head Association

May 15, 2007 17:30

While we take a minute to mark the passing of one hateful bigot, let's not forget that there are thousands of others out there who will rush to fill any void left by his short fall to hell.

Take, for example, Don Wildmon and the assclowns at the American Family Association. They're back up to their old tricks again. Actually, it's the same trick that they've never really stopped. I don't understand how the people on their email list don't just say, "Enough about the homos already. Don't you have anything else to talk about!" Not to mention Ol' Wildmon's one man crusade to topple Ford for their egregious support of equal rights.

Anyway, they sent out this action alert to their legions of bigots with TVs and phones, asking them to call and/or boycott any company that sponsored a show that had determined was "supportive of the homosexual lifestyle." You know. REALLY gay stuff like ER or The Simpsons. So, if you're happy that the Tinky Winky bashing may finally stop for a while and you'd like to do something to counter morons like the ones at the American Family Association, please take a few moments tomorrow during business hours and help me light up the switchboards of The Top Ten Pro-Homosexual Sponsors on Television with some big, gay love and support. Let 'em know that you appreciate their sponsorship of those shows in the face of the hatred and stupidity that is heaped on them by the AFA and other organizations like them. Finally, let them know that there will always be more of us than them and we buy cars, cellphones, makeup (hello!), drugs, and oatmeal too.

I'm not so big on memes, but if you post this in your journal, I'll send you a pic of yourself on a map of the world with all the places everyone you know has ever been along with a list of the names... oh, never mind. If you post this in your journal/blog/watercooler at work, maybe we can make a lot of customer service people happy on the day after Jerry made us so happy. And that would be nice.
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