The Evite Era

Jun 04, 2008 17:22

Now that we are in the Evite era, we have entered a time when everyone can see what everyone else's responses are to events. And frankly, while it is good to see, it is also starting to peeve me off. Maybe we need to set some ground rules for how to respond to these things.

1. No matter what your response is, your excuse better be a good one. This has multiple subpoints, so pay attention.
a. If you are with significant other, get your story straight. Nothing looks dumber than if you say no, and your other says yes, and yet you aren't traveling separately. (Of course, the Jordan corollary contradicts this) Also, don't use them as your excuse. You're not handcuffed together, if you don't want to go, just say so, don't blame them for your lameness.
b. Get a legit excuse. It doesn't have to be true, but come up with something. Nothing says "I can't be bothered" more than just a "no" response with no reason. Oh yeah, there is something more...not responding at all. Hello people, I can see that you viewed it! Take the extra 10 seconds to click no. And when you do, just tell me you have to wash your hair. At least indulge me. You don't always have to, but it does help.
c. Make your excuse for that event, not something else. "I can't make your party Friday night because Saturday at noon I need to clip my toenails" makes no sense. Again, make something up, don't be a lamer. We aren't 8 year olds here, we don't need to be in bed at 8:30 to get up at a normal hour the next day.
d. Make sure your response doesn't contradict another event. I love seeing a response to one party as "I don't like loud noises" when the next party you are like, "Bring on the noise!". Remember, everyone is reading.
2. Respond to the invitation. I took the time to write it, and to invite just say you can't make it.
3. Give a definite answer. I can understand a maybe response weeks in advance...but maybe the day of? You know if you're going, so just be honest and say no if you don't want to.
4. Observe party invite etiquette. You probably wouldn't invite a random person to a party without don't just add people to an evite without asking. It is just rude to do so...unless you are just trying to be an ass. Then it's cool.
5. When inviting people, invite both significants. Of course, there are times when both people aren't invited, and that is okay. But if both are to be invited, don't assume that the invitation gets extended to all.
Jordan corollary: Jordan doesn't go to anything, so if Tania is going, assume Jordan isn't...but he may just show up. So invite him at your own risk.
6. The Quinn Rule. At least open the invite once. It's sitting right there in your inbox, click on it! You see it, I know you do...look at it! Good, now respond.


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