Props to community organizers

Sep 17, 2008 19:32

I loved this letter to the editor in Newsweek about Palin's dislike of community organizers.

I couldn't believe that Sarah Palin ridiculed Barack Obama's years of work as a community organizer during her convention speech. The suffragists who earned Palin the right to vote were community organizers. So were the feminists who agitated to improve job opportunities for women and made it possible for Palin to play high-school basketball. Abolitionists who fought against slavery, workers on the underground railroad guiding slaves to freedom and civil-rights workers were community organizers. So are union organizers who help improve the lives of workers. Finally, we owe the very existence of our country to a dedicated group of community organizers, more commonly known as our Founding Fathers.
Jane Cameron
Piscataway, N.J.[end quote]
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