Icon Challenge #6 - Olympics - Results

Aug 23, 2008 04:30

Ok... soooo... I know I meant to post and let people know when it was time to vote on the Olympics challenge at toon_lol, but I forgot.


So instead I just get to tell you the results! :P

These were my entries:

The second one kind of sucks, but I really like the first and the third. :D Anyways - the badminton icon took 1st place! woohoo! :D I had a problem with the sizing of it though, I thought I'd gotten it under LJ's limits, but it wasn't. So the one I have posted now is the right size.

Oh and here's my banner. ^_^

I'm really enjoying these contests... kind of makes me wonder if it'd be worth it to join any other fandom-icon comms and start participating there as well. (It's not like it takes a TON of time to make 3 icons... depending on what kind I do. The animated ones can be very time-consuming. Hm... maybe I should just get around to finishing the icons that I planned out a long time ago while watching Avatar...

For a while I was rewatching Avatar episodes and pausing periodically to sketch down ideas so I'd wind up with anywhere from 10 to 30 icons per episode. So... I have plenty that I can make. :D I just have to sit down and do it. :P

I entered this week's contest as well (assuming that I met the deadline... I think I did) and voting should be up tonight or tomorrow if they stick to their schedule. ^_^ So go check it out and see what you think. This week's prompt - black and white icons. No color whatsoever. I'm not thrilled with my entries, but there is one that I REALLY LIKE and want to use, though I prefer the color variation that I couldn't enter. Oh man... and I just got an idea for the text that would have been better. Dang... I hate getting ideas for improvements AFTER the fact. Now its too late to fix. Anyways, I hope the voting is over soon. :D I'm not used to having to hide work I've done for a few days so that votes won't be biased. TT_TT Patience is not my strongest suit.

Alright, it's now 5:40 a.m. and I'm sleepy so I'll talk more tomorrow. I'm still trying to figure out how to sketch my brother's wipeout for maximum hilarity. Maybe I'll be able to finish that during my week off of work. :D Cya!

win!, toon_lol, gfx, olympics, icons

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