Profile Meme for somarium

May 05, 2035 00:04

[Character Name] Basch fon Ronsenburg
[Canon] Final Fantasy XII
[Point Taken from Canon] Post XII, pre-Revenant Wings

[Age] 36
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Heterosexual

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Blond
[Height] 5'11"
[Other] A prominent scar across his left eye.
[Clothing] Link and
[Background] "Let them talk. I know something of cages."


Basch is the quintessential knight. Duty is his very being, even dismissing his own reputation. His duty is to his country first, then to other people, and then to himself. He will continue to serve even after failure - failure does not free him of any duty oaths he had taken. He is truly a selfless person. Even after living in shame, he no longer cares what people think about him. He does what he knows to be right, and he does his duty. Everything else falls into place. If one person must bring shame to themselves in order to continue their duty, then so be it. Though, not everyone agrees with his view on it. He is also a firm believer in Fate. Everything happens for a reason. Everyone has their place in the world, and their own job to do. He doesn't believe in coincidence. He is proud and righteous, reliable to the end. He also does not look lightly on mindless violence, especially against innocents.

On outward appearances, Basch is very stoic. Many consider him rigid and uncompromising. It's not to say that he can't enjoy himself, but he keeps most of it to himself. He takes many things to heart and is rather somber. He's not quick to show emotion or lose his temper, either. A smile from him is a rare event. It's not easy for him to enjoy himself, and when he does, he rarely shows it. He is a man of few words. When he speaks, however, he means everything he says. If he says he's sorry, then he truly means that he's apologetic. He's also perfectly able to tell people what they mean to him as well. He could also be considered a little too trusting for his good. He would shoulder your guilt if it meant that you wouldn't have to live through those horrors again. He's very polite, almost formal in his speech and mannerisms, and is not known for having a temper. It's almost like he's impossible to insult. He is loyal to the end, and will stop at nothing to protect what he holds dear to himself.

Nothing he ever does is without purpose, without some cause in mind or belief to back it up. Dealing with his twin brother has shown his near infinite patience. He's continually hopeful that his brother will find peace in the end. He also carries a lot of guilt. Guilt for the fall of his homeland, for abandoning his brother and mother at that time. The guilt for allowing his king to die, not being able to stop it. In the end, Basch is someone who cares unconditionally for those he considers close to him, and will do all he can to protect them.

[Specialties/Abilities] Any powers or special talents they may have :O

[Affection] Basch is an extremely skilled swordsman, and focuses on close range attacks. He is strong, skilled in mounted combat, and archery.

He has three Quickenings, which are like limit breaks: Fulminating Darkness, Ruin Impendent, and Flame Purge.

[Fighting] Basch would never pick a fight, but he will stand up for what he believes in and defend it to the death. He is a very skilled swordsman.

[Other Permissions] I'm all for him being fourth wall broken, considering there's still more of his canon. He has a VERY strong will though, so you won't be able to read his mind easily.

[Other Facts]Nothing!

*profile meme, *ooc

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