Name: Teddie
Age: Unknown. Appears to be around 16/17
Gender: Male, baby~
Fandom: Persona 4
Timeline: After Nanako's dungeon, after she's "died" but on the way to the True Ending. Taken just as he's walking down the foggy road and realized what he is, thinking he's failed and he's nothing more than a Shadow.
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Teddie @ Wikia Character Personality: On first meeting Teddie anyone will notice his bright and cheerful personality. He's very optimistic, not one to hide his happy personality and is always cheering for the group in battle and being a supportive role. The group have even said that Teddie's optimistic attitude really helped them get through it all. He's very childlike and always has questions about the human world (having never been to it until recently), and gets over excited about things when they're of interest (scoring with ladies, whacking watermelons, new cell phone, etc). He loves to try every new thing he can because it's just so interesting to him, and there was probably nothing like this back in the TV world. He soaks things in like a sponge, and sometimes repeats things even when he doesn't really understand it. He's also prone to making beary bad puns. While not all his jokes are bear-related, they can still be pretty awful.
Teddie can be totally oblivious to social situations, sometimes saying things completely weird or continuing to talk about something when others have hinted at him to stop. He needs to be spoken to directly before he gets it. He doesn't pick up on subtle hints. He can be a bit dense at times.
He can also seem to be a little vain and very flirtatious with the ladies. Saying things like "Don't fight over me baby~" and commenting about how soft his fur is. Of course, Teddie isn't a completely vain and egotistical bear. He's actually got a lot of insecurities about himself. Before he remembered what he was he was always trying to find out. Not knowing what he was bothered him. He also always wants to help his friends and those he cares about, and when he can't do that he completely breaks down and starts to disbelieve himself. When he remembers he's a shadow it scares him, and he begins to believe he isn't allowed in the human world any more because of it. He also thinks the others will react negatively because of this. Of course when Souji finds him in the Velvet Room and tells him everything is fine he perks up and rejoins the group as happy as ever and wanting to finish off what they started.
This is because although he has a lot of these insecurities within him he is always able to continue on. He is of the Star Arcana which is associated with hope and faith and the arcana fits Teddie personality perfectly. Teddie is very much like a star in the night sky. He's able to maintain even a small bit of hope and optimism no matter how bleak things get, and no matter how badly he feels about himself. It is this trait within him that helps him overcome his insecurities, and also encourages the others to carry on no matter how bad things may seem.
Teddie - despite his flaws- is very dependable friend to have. When he trusts someone he trusts them for life unless they do something completely awful to change that. He will do whatever he can for his friends. He may not be the strongest or the loudest of the group, but he will fight as hard as he can and do everything it takes for his friends, even as much as putting his own life on the line to save them. He's a hard working and dedicated bear when he puts his mind to it, even helping Yosuke with work at Junes. He just has a lot to learn.
Character Abilities: Like the rest of the Team, Teddie has the power of Persona to aid him in battle. He uses Kintoki-Douji when fighting and primarily uses healing and ice moves, with a few debuffs thrown in for good measure. Teddie uses claw like weapons when attacking directly.
Teddie has the ability to sniff out a person when he has enough information about them, and his nose has come in pretty handy. He uses this skill before Rise joins to help the group find those who are thrown into the TV World. It's not the best, but it does the job. He also is able to remember the enemies weaknesses without the aid of a Persona to scan them, meaning he must have a pretty good memory.
Character Weaknesses: Because of his childlike behaviour and his completely lack of understanding of the real world, Teddie is very naive. You could tell him almost anything and he'd probably believe it. He's never learnt otherwise and if he has no reason to doubt the person why would he? This makes him susceptible to manipulation if he's not careful.
Despite being an overly optimistic and generally happy character, Teddie is very insecure within himself. He questions himself a lot and if he can't help those he cares about he almost completely gives up, even going as far as leaving the group (though not of his own choosing, but he still felt it was necessary). He also thinks that once the others find out he's actually a shadow, they'll hate him. Because of his caring nature, his friends are his weakness as well. If anyone should mess with them or doing anything to hurt them it will hurt Teddie too.
Socially Teddie hasn't learnt very much. He awkwardly tries to "score" with the ladies, and fails miserably mostly. He also doesn't really understand things unless they're directly pointed out to him, like missing subtle hints to stop talking about a certain topic. If he isn't told to stop, he probably won't stop.
Teddie isn't a full on force of physical power. His Persona is mainly healing, ice based spells and support. He also has a weakness to fire because of his Persona's ice affinity. In his human form he's pretty much like a newborn baby with it. He doesn't understand it fully and probably doesn't have the power to do any damage to someone.
What are the abilities that your character will retain in Soul Campaign?
-Sniffing ability
-His good memory
-His ability to use his claw weapons
What are the weaknesses that your character will lose or gain in Soul Campaign?
-His weakness to fire, since he no longer has his Persona.
-Being taken away from his world will make him even more depressed than he already is. He feels he's failed Nanako and now he's being brought elsewhere and told to do something completely different.
-More naivety. Hey it's a new world! He'll probably believe anything even if it wasn't possible back home.
Why your character should be a Weapon: Before Rise joined, Teddie was the main support for the group. He would cheer the others on and help them with detecting enemies weaknesses, finding where the victims are located and so on. Even after he joins the group, Teddie is not a physical attacker. His Persona is very spell and healing based. He has also not had his human form for long and doesn't have the physical strength with it to carry a Weapon. He could put his bear suit on and use his bear form yes, but even his bear form isn't very practical. Also Teddie is very naive and not one to take charge of a situation.
Because of this, Teddie would probably not make a very good Meister, so being a Weapon would be more suitable. He can use his Weapon abilities to his advantage and cheer for his Meister as he's being wielded. He's a very encouraging bear.
It may also add some conflict with himself. He believed himself merely a shadow and being told he's a weapon on top of that will probably make him pretty depressed. It's something that should be interesting to play out with him.
What is your character's Weapon form?: Teddie's Weapon form is a sort of knuckle-duster that goes on the hand. It has three curved blades attached like claws, similar to the weapons he uses in battle.
If Teddie is wielded by someone he doesn't resonate well (or at all) with, he will merely be a small claw weapon and no abilities can be used. He needs to be able to resonate at least a little bit well for his abilities to work.
I would also like to note that it's not likely for Teddie to perfectly resonate with just anyone.
At 0 Souls Teddie has the following basic ability:
Bear Slash - This is a basic slash attack which does basic damage to an enemy. In the beginning it does little more than scratch the enemy. This move cannot be used consecutively. When he gains more souls it power increases slightly in combination with his resonance strength.
- Normal Resonance: Just a basic claw attack which merely scratches the enemy.
- Good Resonance: Attack Power Increased. Can cut a bit deeper.
- Great Resonance: Power and claw size increased. Cuts deeper and has a wider range due to the increased claw size.
- Perfect Resonance (requires 50 souls also before it's unlocked): His claws expand as usual and turn golden coloured. They can cut much deeper, maybe even taking off a limb if the attack is precise.
At 10 souls he gains the following ability:
Diarama - Teddie can heal a little bit of damage done to his meister partner to either help them finish the battle or to get away safely. In the beginning it can only heal the smallest of wounds. The stronger the resonance with his partner and the more souls he's eaten the better the healing becomes. It will never be able to heal fatal wounds however.
- Normal Resonance: Heals a few minor scratches
- Good Resonance: Heals more than a few minor scratches, or a couple of deeper wounds.
- Great Resonance: Heals all minor scratches or heals a few deeper wounds
- Perfect Resonance (+50 souls needed): Heals all minor and deep wounds. Fatal wounds are not healed and significantly deep wounds are only slightly repaired to help the meister escape.
At 20 he gains the following ability:
Sniff Out - A defensive move. Can predict a general direction of where a single enemy is coming from. Following a weird sniffing sound, a small arrow will appear on his handle briefly which points in the general direction. If the enemy is out of a certain radius the arrow will just spin around. This ability useful if the enemy has disappeared and is launching a surprise attack. Percentage of accuracy, radius and usage is based on resonance strength and amount of souls he's consumed and as such is not a pinpoint accurate detector and cannot be used constantly (accuracy significantly decreases with more use also). Reaction time is not increased for the Meister so if it works the Meister can still mess up if they do not react in time when the enemy attacks.
- Normal Resonance: Accuracy is 50% and has a radius of 5 meters.
- Good Resonance: Accuracy is increased to 65% and has a radius of 7 meters
- Great Resonance: Accuracy is increased to 75% and has a radius of 10 meters
- Perfect Resonance (+50 souls needed): Accuracy is increased to 90% and has a radius of 20 meters
And at 50+ he gains his ultimate ability:
Bufula Slash -Teddie's blades are covered in a shroud of ice to perform a piercingly cold attack. This may stun the enemy if the resonance is strong. If the resonance is perfect it becomes Bufudyne Slash. Can make his weapon form hard to handle due to the coldness. The effect on his blades lasts for 10 seconds and increases with resonance. This move is also very draining and can only be used once in battle.
- Normal Resonance: Covered in a shroud of ice. 10% chance to stun. Lasts 10 seconds.
- Good Resonance: The ice is much colder. 25% chance of stunning the enemy. Lasts 10 seconds still.
- Great Resonance: The ice is much thicker and is deathly cold. 50% chance of stunning the enemy and lasts 15 seconds
- Perfect Resonance: Becomes Bufudyne Slash. The ice is like a second layer of ice cold steel on his claw blades and the damage of the attack is increased. 75% chance of stunning the enemy and lasts 20 seconds.
Bufula/Bufudyne slash cannot be used in combo with Bear Slash as it requires too much energy for the former to be used.
Soul Description: Optimistic, Kind, Trusting, Determined, Insecure, Flirtatious
Soul Appearance: It's in the style of his bear form, dark blue going lighter around the face area. It has his ears and the round eyes and a little tuff of hair in the middle.