really long entry! BEWARE! :-)

Jan 28, 2006 18:48

basically i've been meaning to update since tuesday night, when i was freaking out about finals.
so my week in short.

tuesday freaking out about finals, and studying like a mad woman

wednesday did ok on algebra and spanish finals, freaking out even more than tuesday about studying because i had my two harder classes finals - english and history

thursday finals were ok, finished my english one as the bell rang, history i gave up on towards the end but i think i did ok, thrusday night i had a LOT of fun! liza, jarid, emily, and orielle slept over and we ate capn'crunch and other such amazing things

friday didn't do anything allll day but ate capn' crunch again, and read magazines and danced to sean paul w/ liza and em, then at night hung out with leah, rae, nellie, and maryann

saturday down day, giselle came over and we SUPER cleaned my room, it looks awesome, and now michaela is coming over, and the three of us are going to have an amazing incredible girly night where we watch chocolat and eat good stuff and bad stuff (i.e. half-baked and such)

and going back a while, like last weekend on saturday, i had to do my audition for pvpa, which i think i mentioned in my last update, but more in depth it was pretty good. i did a monologue from chicago, where roxy hart is explaining her story, its the same monologue where shes like, he made love to me like he was fixin a carobrator or something "I love ya honey i love ya" and yeah. it went well i guess. i'm really not planning on going to pvpa, because i'm liking the highschool. but i wanna leave my options open. im not as much into acting and dancing as i used to, but maybe i just need the extra push. because i really loved performing my monologue. and there was this really cute sweet kid that was at the audition who goes to pvpa and hes a sophmore and his name is jonah, and i want him. haha nah, i dont actually, i dont know him!

man im rambling. basically i had an overall great week.
i have more to say, but i wont bore you because its not important

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