Nov 27, 2008 23:15
I am thankful. Thankful to be home.
*snugs warm blankets and eats good food and sleeps foreverrr* ♥♥♥
lol despite all the headaches and sickness and stress leading up to and throughout the day, this Thanksgiving wasn't actually all that bad. It was great to have Kim and Fez come along, and seeing Brandon again was cool. ♥ Had a few awkward moments of silence during some conversations with the older folk but it was nice to see that many family members around the table. Actually, Ms. Julie had a few nice encouraging words for me, and my uncle, whom I got to meet for the first time in my life, was a such a sweet, humble man, very easy to talk to. Dave bickering with that drunken corporal dude was pretty comical, as was the fact that little Philip was the one who caught the biggest fish I've ever seen come out of the water down in St. Pete. So really, with 'dinner' crammed in-between the talking and unpacking, we didn't even have much time for all the games I brought along, haha~ Hooray for warm, fuzzy feelings? Sometimes it's the simplest stuff that just makes you want to be a better person. (That turkey, though. Someday I will eat it and not get sick. Someday).
Anywho hope you guys didn't have a terrible time out there with me, and rest well tonight! Feel better, Fez. >: And flist, hope y'all had/are still having a blast.
Now, sleep for realsies. I'm zonked.