election thoughts

May 03, 2011 09:39

On the collapse of the Liberal Party: I was more saddened and shocked by this than the CPC win. Years ago I had become a liberal party supporter, voted for them regularly, and made monthly donations. I was sure Ignatieff was a better bet than the former leader Dion and was best for the country. Apparently, by a wide margin, the public didn't agree.

I'm reminded of a quip from the Golden Girls:

Dorothy (returning from a horse race): It's still good to know that I can pick a winner.

Sophia: This from a woman who has a Dukakis bumper sticker plastered over her Mondale bumper sticker?

That about sums it up for long term LPC supporters this morning. It's almost embarrassing, really.

On the Conservative majority: We'll see if Harper's claim to now be a moderate really hold up. On second thought, since I'm heading to Amsterdam on Friday, I think I may just stay over there.

On the NDP surge: Quite surreal really, tripling their number of seats and slaughtering the Bloc Quebecois. Many of the new NDP reps have no experience in politics, law or business and were running as placeholders, assuming they wouldn't be elected. The opposition could be a great opportunity for the NDP to gain experience and continue to expand. But it could also be like the dog that actually catches a car, and then has no idea what to do with it.

Really, I think a LIberal-NDP merger should be in the works. We shouldn't be splitting the left wing votes.
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