
Mar 24, 2011 11:04

* Down to 210 lbs (from 218 in Mid February) and noticeably thinner.

* I'm not happy about the recurrence of winter. It's bitterly cold out today and yesterday the ice/snow storm made the driving arduous and slow. There's a surly, tired, despondent, near physically-ill feeling that I get from just looking at snow in late March. Yes I know there's worse things in the world and this will dissipate, but that doesn't help much.

* It looks like we're headed for another federal election, starting tomorrow. Sadly I think the Conservatives prospects look good due to a lack of real opposition; the Liberal leader is uninspiring (think John Kerry)and the NDP leader is rumored to be seriously, possibly terminally, ill. Of course elections are like wars, where all kinds of unexpected and unanticipated events can alter public opinions about candidates very fast, so perhaps things will break against Harper, but it's not looking good at this point.
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