
Jun 16, 2009 10:14

For the past few days my right eye has been feeling irritated. Sort of like the feeling one gets when dust or something is in the eye, except there's no dust there and it's perpetual. This morning I woke up with the eye red and puffy, and very sore.

I was quite surprised when my doctor examined it and told told me I have a scratched cornea, which is an eye injury. She inquired if I wear contacts or had recently had anything lodged in the eye, but neither applies, so it's a bit of a mystery how it happened.

She's given me some antibiotic drops and has advised me to wear an eye-patch. I'm not going to wear a patch...unless, of course, this is a sign from the Flying Spaghetti Monster that he wants me to convert and begin dressing like a pirate. We'll see. :)

eye, ouch, fsm, pirates, cornea

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