May 02, 2006 08:56
Walking to work yesterday everything was very much more quiet than usual. It was as though a giant vaccum cleaner had come along and sucked most of the students off campus. It's nice though, the spring and summer are quiet but busy times around the university when much research and planning gets done.
My allergies are definetly in full swing now. General itchiness, congestion, etc, moreso in the morning. Sometimes too I get spells of feeling feverish even when i'm not, and my skin will feel dry and hot. So far i'm holding out without any pills. So far any allergy medications i have tried have either made me fell drowsy or weird(er) (or both). And who knows, maybe it's good to let immunity work itself out.
The temperature inside the building where I work has been too hot. Yesterday there was heat blasting out of vents and most of the building was over 35 C. Today it has cooled down by about 5 or 6 degrees inside but still warm. Public building always seem to be so poorly managed, it's been like that in every one in which I've worked or studied.
My new office goldfishes are doing well despite the heat!
indoor heat,