christmas summary

Dec 26, 2005 19:20

A bit premature for a summary, actually, since we're having a second Christmas today for some of the family.

But anyways...up at 9 yesterday, dad made us the traditional Christmas breakfast (ham and eggs). It was only me and my parents, since my brother and his wife were visiting her family and my grandma was visiting my aunt and uncle for part of the day.

I got a caouple of gift cards, a nice little vacuum cleaner (for cleaning up around the birds) and a book. The book was the big surprise; it was writtien by a history Prof at Trent, who had extensively interviewed my grandfather in 2003 and 2004 and then wrote a play in which my granpa is one of the main characters. The family knew nothing about this until we were contacted by the Professor involved. More on this later.

Picked up Grandma from my cousins place, got to see much of my moms family there. I bugged everyone taking pics with the digital camera. My Unlce, his wife and their kids came over later. His older girl had to tell me every detail of the latest Harry Potter movie, which she had just seen and was very excited about.

Typical turkey dinner and trifle for dessert.

Ended the evening chatting with numerous bears online, including my Dave, hockeyslave, kwbearguy, tim_e_bear, and Damien, as well as one or two others who popped onto bear411 to say hi.

Grandma stayed overnight and now we're gearing up for the rest of the family to come by. Hoping to go for a walk this afternoon.
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