what i have done with my holiday so far

Oct 26, 2005 20:10

Monday - drove back from Hamilton, did some grocery shopping, watched reruns of ST:TNG all afternoon, chatted with friends for a bit, fussed around cleaning the apartment, and wokred late finsishing an assignment.

Tuesday - some apartment cleaning, a walk at Springwater Conservation Area to see the leaves and have some quiet. I was quite amused at the park...there was a team of contruction workers building some kind of picnic shelter near the parking lot, and their forman was a big burly woman with a mean look who seemed to be keeping them working very hard. Got the finches and hamster ready for my being away.

Also on tuesday worked on finsihing an assignment, and had the damdest time with my Macintosh...it was opening files wrong and screwing things up just like a windows computer. Very frustrating, i finally had to unplug it and reboot, and it worked then.

Today - got up early, drove up to Peterborough. Stopped on the way to visit razzman but he was sick so we've taken a raincheck. The fall colours were lovely depite the grey sky and cold, it was a good drive up. Also stopped to visit the cemetary...see next entry.

tng, chatting, travel, vacation

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