It's gray and misty out today, so I'm cuddling with my space heater and amusing myself researching camper vans. The portable home option continues to be an obsession :). But this one might just be the practical
camper van of my dreams!! It's the size of a regular sized van, sleeps up to 4, has a 2 burner stove, sink, microwave, bathroom (with shower!), good storage, and gets about 22 mpg!! No really, it's the best idea ever!! I totally need one!! Cuz one day (hopefully soon) I'm gonna have babies, and then I can drive us places and put them down for naps, have the ability to make us home cooked meals while out and about, and have a bathroom anytime, anywhere, and a change of clothes, and can stop and sleep anywhere, any time. We can go anywhere! On the road! Woot! Nothing will stop us!!! Caaaaamper vaaaaaaaaaan of my dreeeeaaaaaaaaaaams!!!
My impeccable logic has not yet won over mr. J, however.
I mean, it's not whimsical and awesome like the
tow-a-vardo with the wood stove that I'm also madly, insanely in love with. It's not cozy and delicious like the tow-able
tiny houses that I want with a burning ache. And there's a ton of really cute tiny houses at, including quite a few tow-able ones (you know, if anyone reading this is thinking about buying one). But!! I think it's a working compromise! No, really! It's a car (well, van), and can be driven around easily like any other vehicle. It's small enough that I can park it anywhere one could park a car. And it has all the things you want a portable living space to have! I can always decorate the inside to make it more whimsical if I feel like the whimsy is missing :).
'Course the only problem is that it's super expensive... even a used one looks to be in the $40-60K price range... which is actually more expensive than some of the tiny tow-able houses... 'course if I got a tow-able house, I'd need a car strong enough to tow it, and I'm just not sure my Impala is the right car for that... and I don't think I could just park my tiny house or caravan on a residential street (though I'm really not sure what the laws are on that one).
One day maybe I'll write an amazing book or win the lottery or get a huge inheritance from some long lost relative or something. Then I will have the portable house of my dreams. Hey! I could get a camper van, and a tiny house or vardo & use the camper van to tow my second home! then lots of us can travel together! It'll be awesome! I'll need somewhere to put the kitties...