My darlings B & R and godbaby Lil'G came over yesterday for the day. R helped me excavate huge swaths of my house!! We totally cleaned out my 2 looming piles in the kitchen, got rid of the 10 years worth of moldy plastic bags in bags that were clogging an entire cabinet and part of the garage, put all of the clothing to be donated out on the street to be donated (10 bags full of clothes & shoes!), and excavated my ancient desk that I don't use for anything other than crap storage. We completely filled a trash bin and a recycling bin, and I have a pile of things to give to good will too. My house feels so much lighter, it's amazing.
That plus J's dad de-weeding, tree trimming, and mowing both the front and back yard a few weeks ago and my house is feeling remarkably less congested, energetically and otherwise. We're not huge hoarders, but we've been living there for a long time and we both definitely lean towards pack-rat. One of the things in my Ita was to get rid of unnecessary stuff, things I'm not using. And I've been feeling really daunted by this. But it turns out that all things are possible when there's help, and I don't have to do this sort of thing by myself. I love my people :).
And I woke up this morning covered in cats, which is always the best thing ever. I had Tai draped across my shin, Djuna curled up purring on my belly, and Kinde crawled under the blankets and tucked up into my armpit with his paws across my shoulder, purring and rubbing my chin with his head. Then Kinde decided to start kneading my face while trying to nurse on my nose, which made me laugh so hard I scared off the other cats and managed to untangle myself from the bed and not be late for work. Poor little Kinde has a cold and has been sneezing all over the place. And at the risk of oversharing, wow it's amazing how much snot one little tiny cat can produce... sigh... also eeewww. Cats are continuing to make everything better. Chosen family being awesome also makes everything better.
My life is full of love and blessings <3