5th voodoo curse - locked to Iris

Sep 02, 2011 22:01

[LeChuck awoke with a start. Strange clothes, unfamiliar location... not again! Where did he end up now? A quick glance around reveals that Iris is in here with him. Well, not too far from Mayfield, then.Without sparing her a second thought, he leaves the bed and heads to the door. Which is locked.

He doesn't like the idea of being locked in a tiny room very much. He starts to tug on the doorknob, in hopes that applying enough force will break it somehow. He becomes more and more frantic as the door refuses to give way. Trapped in a landlocked town was bad enough. Trapped in a small room? That could very well drive him mad. And any bystander could tell it already was. He started muttering curses and slamming his shoulder into the door, which only succeeded in giving him a sore shoulder. He ignored it, because like hell was some dinky little door going to defeat him!

His increasingly angry shoving and cursing would likely be the first thing Iris heard if she awoke.]

tableflippingly mad, he's not very romantic at all

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