(no subject)

May 07, 2011 01:05

Personal LJ: wefeelgroove
Contact Info: wefeelgroove on aim, plurk and g-mail
Other Characters Played: ra_ra_razputin, plantenough, a_crazygirl

Preferred Housing: SURPRISE ME (but may I request a house that is not all drones, please? ;u;)

Character Name: LeChuck. For the purpose of this exercise, Mayfield may refer to him as Charles L. Charles.
Character Series: Monkey Island
Character Age: NO IDEA. Clearly an adult, though. And he’s been dead for a while.
Background: http://www.miwiki.net/LeChuck#Backstory

Some of this may be fan speculation, but the overarching plot has gotten kind of convoluted and this is the best summary I can find with the least amount of plot holes. So! I’m taking LeChuck from the end of Tales of Monkey Island, after he’s been blown to smithereens yet again.

Personality: LeChuck’s shambling corpse isn’t the only thing about him that’s completely rotten. Picture the nastiest, greediest, ugliest, most brutal and ruthless pirate that ever sailed the seven seas, and you aren’t even close. Not to say that he isn’t any of those things, because he most definitely is, but he takes the evil pirate thing and cranks it to 11. He has no regard for anyone or anything other than himself and his ultimate goal, which is to rule the Caribbean with an iron fist and an army of restless souls with Elaine Marley by his side, whether she likes it or not. If you haven’t figured it out by now, LeChuck is not a nice guy. Even before meeting an untimely end and becoming a horrible, undead abomination returned from the grave and fueled by voodoo, LeChuck was not a nice guy. In fact, dying might have been the best thing that ever happened to him, because returning as a ghost (and then a zombie, and then a demon, and then a walrus and then a shape-shifting ghostzombiedemon and- okay, you get the point) made people even more terrified of him. He was quick to abuse his newfound evil voodoo powers in order to further his intentions, to the point where pirates everywhere were afraid to set sail and risk facing him on the high seas.

So why is it, you may ask, that he has been so soundly defeated so many times? LeChuck, for all of his monstrous power, has one glaring, fatal flaw: he is overconfident. After a point, he becomes so assured of victory and that his plans are flawless that he grows careless, allowing an opponent to pull the rug out from under him. He also falls into the classic villain trap of talking too damn much. He LOVES to gloat and spill all of his plans in a spectacular show of arrogance, even when his arch-nemesis Guybrush insists that he doesn’t want to listen. Instead of swiftly murdering anyone who might ruin his plans, LeChuck is more apt to strap them into a ridiculous deathtrap that would make any Bond villain proud and leave them to die, just because he can. Unfortunately, this inevitably causes even his most well constructed schemes to blow up in his face.

His other notable nasty habit is his tendency to obsess over things, which, indeed, may fuel his cartoonish supervillainy. When LeChuck sets his mind to something, he will not give up on it, come hell or high water. Literally. Keep in mind that this guy has died at least five times by now, and yet he keeps coming back. Not even death has stopped him from trying to win the hand of Elaine Marley, for example, which has been his motivation since long before he met his end. Even when Elaine herself openly expresses her disgust for him and everything he stands for, he will still sigh and swoon over her and lovingly daydream of how he will drag her down to hell to make her his demonic bride for all of eternity. LeChuck is frighteningly persistent.

Despite his arrogance and habit of becoming fixated on one thing to the point of being downright creepy, LeChuck is actually quite cunning and devious. It can be easy to mistake him for an obnoxious, bumbling blowhard who just talks big, especially when someone like Guybrush has defeated him no less than five times, but this is exactly what he wants you to think! Well, okay, sure, each of those five times he did underestimate Guybrush a little, but over the years, LeChuck has become a calculating master of manipulation. He's aware of his weaknesses, and though he falls victim to them all the time, he knows that his enemies are expecting him to, and plans accordingly. In one moment he can go from being a comical, careless buffoon to slipping a sword between your ribs and cackling madly before you even realize what’s going on. At his best he is a brilliant evil mastermind capable of thinking several steps ahead of anyone who dares oppose him. At his worst, well, he gets his butt kicked by Guybrush Threepwood.

It's important to note that in Tales of Monkey Island, LeChuck appeared to undergo a complete personality change when Guybrush completely and utterly botched an attempt to destroy him and instead scattered all of his evil mojo across the Caribbean. Depowered, LeChuck was stuck as a normal human being, and for a while it seemed as if coming back to life had given him a change of heart. He was nice. Polite. Cheerful and friendly. He even tried his hardest to change all of his evil ways, including learning how to solve standard adventure game puzzles instead of resorting to extreme violence to get what he wanted. He wasn’t very good at it, and he seemed rather lost (not to mention kind of dumb) without his powers, but he tried, gosh darn it. Of course, the good LeChuck was nothing more than an act in order to win over Elaine and Guybrush, which the evil pirate revealed with much gusto as soon as he felt the time was right (i.e. when he could easily dispatch of an unsuspecting Guybrush via sword shish kebab). By all means, his loss of power should have been a huge drawback, but instead he adapted and was able to continue his evil plans, only this time through charm and manipulation rather than brute force and magic. It is probably the best example of his ruthlessness and how he can and will use anything to his advantage.

LeChuck pretty much runs on voodoo, which in Monkey Island is basically a catch-all for magic, but “voodoo” sounds more pirate-y…and…Caribbean-y. He has several forms, all of which seem to have different powers.
Ghost: As a ghost, LeChuck can walk through walls and fly, although it looks more like he’s just jumping really, really high. In this form, he can be destroyed by spraying him with root beer, which in the series is shown to be a powerful voodoo agent that can banish ghosts to the afterlife.
Zombie: Zombie LeChuck can’t fly or shoot fire, but he can survive taking extreme damage such as having his limbs torn off. As a zombie, he tends to rely on casting spells and hexes with voodoo than on any innate supernatural powers.
Demon: As a demon, his flight is a bit more convincing as he can turn into a giant, floating fireball. He can also breathe fire and throw magic fireballs. The heckfire he produces has the ability to turn people into skeletal zombies- perfect fodder for his undead pirate crew/army.
Human: As a human, LeChuck has no supernatural powers but is still a very large man with incredible strength and fighting ability, both with his fists and his sword. He looks far less menacing and more handsome and charismatic, which makes it easier for him to win people to his side.
Walrus: No.
Pirate God: Probably won’t ever happen in Mayfield but just in case, Pirate God LeChuck is pretty much Cthulhu in pirate form. He is able to harness the power of the spirit world itself and can perform amazing feats such as stopping time in addition to his other powers of flight and nigh-invulnerability.

When undead, LeChuck can switch between his ghost, zombie, and demon forms at will.

LeChuck also has a vast knowledge of various voodoo spells and curses that he does not hesitate to use. His favorite spells tend to be either illusions or powerful, flashy attacks. Twice in the series, LeChuck has disguised himself as two different people: Fester Shinetop in Secret and Charles L. Charles in Escape. At least once (twice depending on who you ask), he has also bewitched Guybrush into thinking he was a child and made him act accordingly. When this happened in Curse, Guybrush was able to fight off the urge to act like a child, which suggests that LeChuck’s spells can be countered with enough determination. When he’s not casting mindscrews, he’s throwing around horrendously destructive spells just for the sake of causing as much damage as possible, such as creating a voodoo-fueled cannonball to destroy Elaine’s fortress and end their stand-off at the beginning of Curse. He also made a voodoo doll of Guybrush and used it to painfully torture him.

Finally, and this isn’t really an ability per se, everyone in Monkey Island seems at least vaguely aware of the fourth wall and that they are all actually video game characters. This really only comes out in the form of off-hand comments every once and a while. LeChuck won’t be running around telling people that they’re fictional characters, but he may occasionally explain something as if it were in the context of an adventure game. For example, he may talk about combining items in his inventory or speculate on how may disks they have left to go through before they beat Mayfield.

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