Year in Review 2006: Biggest Dumbasses of 2006

Jan 03, 2007 08:06

Doing this list again is re-playing 2005. It's been said, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." It's also been said that "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

That being said, here we go again:

The Metropolitian Moron of Miami, Jack Thompson proves both sayings correct, time and again. More worthless lawsuits, more defeats. His latest dumb moves was 1) trying to get Bully ruled a "public nuisance"(he failed miserably there, the judge got to look for himself through a court order, and even he found nothing wrong with the game; Jacky Boy whined so much over it that he was hit with a contempt of court charge; I've played it myself, and once again: Columbine simulator, my ass) and suing his self-preceived nemesis Rockstar over the shootings on ABC News anchor Sam Donaldson's New Mexico ranch in 2005, even though everyone knows that suit will be thrown out:

the Cody Posey case, a boy who murdered his family after years of abuse, including sexual. Evidence was given at the trial that the boy was physically, mentally, and sexually abused. Incestuous pornography was found on the Fathers computer, which was the only one connected to the Internet. His parents even got his own sister to act as a spy, which often led to his beatings. No wonder he cracked, not being funny but can you imagine one of your siblings having the power to get you physically beaten at will? How de-humanifying would that be? Speaking up out of concern is one thing, simply reporting every bad grade is something else.

The boy is already serving a life sentence for what he did, he accepted responsibility on the spot, even admitting that he shot his sister twice ‘to make sure’.

Basically years of abuse caused Cody to snap, not a few months of GTA (Apparently, his father played it, not Cody, judging by his family life, I don’t see the boy being bought a games machine anyway).

So Jack is trying to divert responsibility away from a man who sexualy, physically and mentally abused his son for years in order to further his own cause. It’s possibly the lowest I have ever seen the man sink. He is willing to put on the leash of any master, no matter how low, to achieve his goals.

Simply Pathetic. And the moron wants to file more lawsuits in 2007? And he'll lose them all, as he's giving the video game industry more ammo(meaning, legal precedent) to use against him and other anti-game interests.

Another person who's making those two sayings a fact of life, Vince McMahon. I've stated the reasons why earlier, but he made an early run at 2007's award by booking Kevin Federline(another dumbass) to pin John Cena in the middle of the ring. Sure, it was booked as a no-DQ match, and there was a run-in, but come on, what if the WWE title was on the line? Can you say David Arquette 2006? That wouldn't just be jumping the shark, that'd be jumping the Fonz jumping the shark!

Did I mention that McMahon blamed Paul Heyman for the failure of the resurrected ECW, even though it was McMahon himself who basically handcuffed Heyman from making ECW feel like the old ECW, by re-writing the scripts Heyman turned in(especially for December to Dismember, which many feel is the worst pay-per-view of all time)?

Other dumbasses that will get a mention:
Stephanie McMahon and the rest of WWE Creative
Johnny Ace(WWE VP of Talent Relations)
Kevin Federline(your 15 minutes are up)
Britney Spears(for hanging out with Paris Hilton)
Detroit Lions owner William Clay Ford, for not firing Matt Millen as GM
The CW Network, for bringing back 7th Heaven, and for not promoting Veronica Mars and Supernatural much more than they have been recently(hello, your two most critically acclaimed shows in the toughest time slots on TV?)

Here's to them(borrowed from phantomlord_lop:

Sugar Bowl tonight. Also, predictions for 2007.

year in review, dumbasses

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