Oct 29, 2018 09:30
This is just an idea for an internet bill of rights that Styxhexenhammer666 has been calling for. I'm probably forgetting something in this.
The Internet Bill of Rights
1) The rights under the First, Fourth, & Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America are expanded to the internet by virtue of the internet's exponential and infinite expansion of the public square.
2) United States case law on free speech must apply to every website on the internet, not just the websites owned and operated in the United States.
3) United States case law on copyright must apply to every website on the internet, not just the websites owned and operated in the United States. Fair use applies to everything on the internet and copyright holders must show proof beyond reasonable doubt that their copyright was violated by a content creator. If it is determined that a copyright holder failed to show evidence that their copyright was violated beyond reasonable doubt or willfully "false flagged" content, the content creator is awarded monetary damages from the copyright holder. (A "loser pays" system.)
4) A website's rules(terms of service) must be clearly outlined with clear definitions of those terms and must apply equally to all users and all content on the website regardless of the individual user's race, gender, sexual orientation, political beliefs, religious beliefs, celebrity status, financial status, etc.
5) A user on a social media site like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other websites like them cannot be outright banned from the sites for any reason. If a user on a website faces a suspension from a social media website for any reason, the user has the right to appeal the decision through both the website in question and independent third party arbitration if appeal through website is unsuccessful, including the right to face the users or third parties that reported the actions of the user in question that led to that user's suspension in open arbitration and the right to an expedited procedure. The user facing suspension has the option to appeal directly to an independent third party arbriter instead of to the website in question.
6) A website cannot ban or suspend a user from that website for that user's actions on another website(even a website that is owned by the same company that owns the website in question) or even for behavior in public. (That means Twitch can't ban someone for their behavior on Twitter or YouTube can't ban someone for their behavior on Facebook. Likewise, Facebook cannot ban someone from both Facebook and Instagram.)
7) Websites are barred from colluding with other websites or third parties(including representatives of any government in the world including law enforcement agencies) to get one user or website deplatformed from every website. (the Alex Jones/Gab rule)
8) Websites are barred from "shadowbanning" their users or their content for any reason.
9) Websites are barred from selling the private data of their users to other websites, platforms, private corporations, or governments. The only time a user's private data can be accessed by local, state, or national government/law enforcement is by court order/search warrant.
10) Third party corporations such as financial institutions(including all banks, credit unions, & credit card companies), private utility companies, homeowner associations(landlords), NGO's, etc. are barred from denying services to internet users for their behavior online, whether those users are unanonymous or not.
11) Employers are barred from asking their employees or prospective employees for their internet history or for access to said employee's social media accounts. Employers are also barred from firing or punishing any employee for their alleged behavior online.
12) Websites, users, & other third parties are barred from "doxxing" other users.
13) All sovereign nations are barred from forcing users of video streaming websites like YouTube, Twitch, BitChute, etc. to pay for licenses issued by said sovereign nation to specifically stream content on those sites. (aka the Germany rule)
14) Any video streaming website that offers content creators an opportunity to share profits from advertising revenue must give those content creators a fair share of that revenue. Video streaming websites are barred from "demonetizing" users for any reason and are barred from giving preferential treatment to traditional media outlets like CNN, New York Times, the BBC, etc.
15) Websites are not responsible for the content uploaded onto their platforms, only the individual users are. Also, both the websites and their users are not responsible for the actions and behavior of the individual users' fans and other viewers of their content.
game politics,
freedom of speech