I was rummaging through my TXTs folder and found this short fic I wrote on Heroes. This was like, my only attempt at writing Heroes fic, because I seriously didn't really care that much for the characters to want to write anything more than Nathan/Peter. Even like that, I hated Peter after season one so I stopped caring enough for fic. Either way, I found that I actually really like this little thing I'd forgotten about, it was supposed to move on into a longer thing, but I like how it ends, so I'm going to post it.
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: G
Words: 398
Warnings: I suppose spoilers for season 2, not that it matters at this point.
Summary: During Nathan's beardo phase at the beginning of s2, it's vaguely Peter/Nathan.
Nathan's grown a beard, because he's a wino. He's watched a lot of movies and read a lot of books, and he likes to think that stereotypes exist for a reason. So in the same way that he used to shave everyday and get a haircut every two weeks so he could look as 1958 as possible, doing the oppossite seemed only natural. The beard sort of feels like twigs, and his breath sort of smells like sweetener. He doesn't know what he's wearing anymore, he just grabs whatever's on the bedroom floor without smelling it. He gave that up after he tainted the smell off every t-shirt.
Incidentially, the day he decides it's time to actually do some laundry, he finds a dirty blue t-shirt in the laundry basket. Is it his or Peter's? He picks it up, brings it up to his nose. Peter. No matter how weird Peter's place smelled to him, his clothes would always smell like home, like their shared room when Nathan was thirteen. It is still early and Nathan hasn't drunk anything, so instead of doing laundry, he takes a shower, puts on Peter's t-shirt and then feels guilty and does laundry anyway,
He tries sitting at tables, or the kitchen counter, somewhere where he'd have to put his elbows in front of him. Something that would force him to involuntarily smell Peter, just so it wouldn't seem weird if anyone caught him sniffing his armpits.
He tried, he really tried, but this whole Peter's-smell-invading-my-day business has left him very disturbed and he thought he just needed some cigarettes to exchange one shit for another, but he doesn't. He bought some anyways, because he feels like smoking.
It doesn't smell like Peter anymore. He fell asleep wearing the shirt and now it just smells like a mixture of sweat, wine and ashes. He looks at his face in the mirror, he examines it, the circles around his eyes, the places where he didn't know hairs were growing, his messed up bed hair, the side of his face that used to be burnt skin. He touches his cheek, tries to feel scars but it just feels like it always did. It feels rigid. He takes off the shirt and looks at himself one more time. When his eyes start to burn he looks away, puts on the shirt again and steps into the shower wearing it.