Jun 21, 2005 14:00
Niki's been a stroppy sod today, and while I can't really blame him, he's still getting on my wonderfully hairy tits. Bad night's sleep (which is a more often recurring feature, as it's getting too hot, plus he won't sleep with his usual compliment of 2 pillows because he's paranoid he's getting a humped back); construction workers preventing a morning doze (this hasn't been mentioned, but they've been pneumaticallly drilling at something for the past fornight at least, from about 8am every morning); constant retrying and failing to find an establishment which will happily convert pounds Sterling into Euros to supplement our dying pennies; constant retrying and success of slippery pavement slabs making him fall out of step in his (Kit's) gripless sandals and look a fool.
He cheered up a little when he got some sugar in his system (thank you Leski), even moreso when he was given some extra-free pineapple juice (thank you Leski lunchwomen), and a short walk through the park has led him to reconsider all the good things in life. Does anyone smell a list coming on? I know I do.
* Coming home in 5 days.
* Piss-easy cinema exam will be over with tonight.
* Piss-easy gothic (and final) exam will be over with tomorrow.
* A few days with which to relax in the sun after his exams.
* No more essential purchases, therefore it will be possible to survive on remaining cash.
* One last inessential purchase, which should make someone happy when they recieve it.
* Looking forward to having a week of seeing most friends with minimum drama.
* Looking forward to a whole summer of seeing all friends with considerably more drama.
* T in the park will be soon, and if all goes well, it shall be accompanied by lots of booze and a big bag of Hydroponically-grown pot.
* 8 days til Niki emerges from the realms of teenhood as a man.
* Kit has a new job (yay for her) which means a vacancy just opened up at the cinema (yay for him).
* Finally watched Shaun of the Dead last night and it kicked ass.
* A certain someone...
Whoosh. Ok. Time to chill for the exam. Think happy thoughts, people.