Exam 2: Contemporary American Fiction

Jun 17, 2005 12:56




Seriously, with Music In Social Movements, there was enjoyable ranting, followed by a breif 'What the fuck just happened in there?' moment. There was no such ranting OR moment in the immediate aftermath of this exam. We were given no specific word limit, so there was no 350 absurdity to distract. There were simply two very straight forward, Standard Grade-style questions, which were answered fully, concisely, with planning and everything. We left with about an hour and a half to go, and Niki is expecting at least 90%.

And now, stuff is cool. Dodgeball today. Revision of Cinema and Literature of the Fantastic tomorrow. Ssssssssssssssomething we can't remember on Sunday, but definitely something. Monday... Dunno, chill-out day? Tuesday, exam. Wednesday, exam. Thursday, packing. Friday, possibly heading down to Athens with Jo, as she leaves a day earlier. Saturday, definitely Athens for me, if not already there. Sunday... What happens on Sunday again?

Any hints?
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