It's now official...
As of this morning, I'm now an officially Juried member of the League of NH Craftsmen!!!
*Happy dance*
*shake my booty*
*scare the dog*
*more booty shaking*
**feel free to be horrified by that image.
--I've been asked if I'd be willing to do demos. Yes. (so apparently I may be demonstrating what I do up at the League show in Sunappee this year. I'm sure that the people that get excited watching paint dry will find this thrilling, but hey, if it floats their boats)
And as always, a picture makes a post...
Angkor Wat broochI finished the first Angkor Wat brooch (there will be three, maybe more)This one has been a lot of fun and I learned a lot from it.
Now it's time to go and scare the dog some more...
*booty shake*