Feb 24, 2007 12:09
I'm going to stand up on my soap box now..so if you don't want to read it...just get out of it. I also have to credit Beefy for helping me see this!!!
Last night, I was feeling like shit because of a bad date. I was down, crying...sad...all that shit.
I've decided that, NO man (or anyone for that matter) should have that much strength or control over my life to make me miserable. I am a fun, happy, caring and pretty good looking person who has a lot of really cool friends that care about her, both male and female. I don't need a relationship or a "man on my arm" to make me happy, because I'm doing a damn fine job of that myself. I am in school to be a paralegal so I can make more money to buy my horses and my stable!! Until then, I have a kick ass job that..well..kicks ass!!!
I think I had just gotten into this funk lately that I've had to find someone because I'll be 30 next year...I feel so stupid right now just thinking that, yet I feel smarter and stronger now for realizing how stupid that was! I think society makes us worry way too much about finding someone...worry so much to the point that we make ourselves miserable finding someone, or staying in a bad relationship just so we have someone. Those of you who know me well..know that I was almost one of those people when I was talking about marrying the one affectionately called the "asshole." No wonder divorce rates in our country are so high!!!
So, yes, as far as dating is concerned...I'm done for a while. I have far too much going on in my life to have to worry about making a relationship work. I am enjoying meeting my friends on the personals site. The few that I've met that have turned out to be just that are kick ass new friends!! (you know who you are!)
Then, there are my girlfriends, you all kick ass as well!!!!
So, bottom line..I'm just going to worry about me and have fun with my friends for a while. 28 (and next September 30) should be a starting point for me..not an ending point.
I'm stepping off my soap box now!!!!